About Us

Our story

Race Against Waste engages young generations to get started with sustainability. Through educational action campaigns, children from more than 600 elementary school in the Netherlands, Germany and France learn about the circular economy and energy conservation every year.

Race Against Waste has three projects: the E-waste Race, the Textile Race and the Energy Race. During these projects, children learn about the impact of our consumption behavior and energy consumption on people and the environment. But much more importantly, they learn what you can do about it!

During a race, different school teams compete against each other to make as much impact as possible. The teams receive points for carrying out repairs, organizing swaps, energy saving actions and collecting items for reuse and recycling. To score as many points as possible, campaigning takes place in their neighborhoods and involves parents, neighbors and family in the race. With the points earned, kids can win a cool field trip. In this way, Race Against Waste makes contributing to a more beautiful world fun, educational and easy!


Race Against Waste inspires and involves everyone to participate in accelerating the transition to a circular economy. By offering practical solutions, we involve as many people as possible in a positive way to make an impact together.


We dream of a world without waste!

A world where abundance is not taken for granted but where we use what we need with care. What we buy and consume is made with respect for people who receive a good living wage and can work in dignified conditions. What we buy and consume is produced without the slightest degradation of our environment. That means no more emissions of pollutants and substances that accelerate climate change. And that means products or materials always come back into the cycle. There is no further depletion of scarce raw materials from the earth, either for our products or for our energy supply.


We are a young, impact-driven team who are all committed to creating a liveable world for everyone in a positive and enthusiastic way. 



UN goals - Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs].

At Race Against Waste, we stand behind these goals and align with 6 of the goals with our organization. We are proud of this, because in every choice we make every day, we can make a difference.



Banner SDG´s


Our team




"Contributing to a greener, more beautiful world is great fun and can be done in small steps. It is motivating and rewarding, I'd like to show this to everyone!"



Operational Manager

"I believe children have the future because they see the world with fresh eyes. By teaching them how to reuse and recycle materials, we give them the tools to build a cleaner, greener future. Together with them, we can create a world where waste does not exist, but where everything gets a new life."




"Choosing sustainable and environmentally conscious lifestyles is high on my list. I am so happy to share this passion with the new generation. After all, they are the future and together we can ensure a better living environment, for both people and the environment."



Accountmanager & Projectmanager

“Together towards a circular economy!”




"Small acts have big impact. Children act as the ultimate source of inspiration, and by informing and activating them, we are constantly reaching new communities. They not only learn the importance of their own efforts, but also achieve tangible results."



Marketing & Communication / Office Manager

"By giving it our absolute best right now, we are giving the youth a bright future."



Financial Employee

"Making sure that everything is in a good financial shape for Race Against Waste and contributing to the circular economy in the process energizes me! Making the world a little better is something we do together, on all levels!"




"A circular future doesn't always have to be complicated. With guts & creativity, we can make an immediate positive impact on a more beautiful world together!"




"Children are fun and curious! I look forward to working for and with them. They are our hope for the future as they learn at an early age to make smarter choices around consuming."




"By sharing knowledge, others can make a choice they may not have considered before. I would like to inspire young people to make choices that are good for our beautiful earth."




"Once started by giving new life to my own broken clothes. It's good for the environment and your garment becomes completely unique with its own story. I would like to pass on this mindset of recycling to the new generation!"



International business manager & Projectmanager

"You can't start creating awareness young enough, we want to make that possible in as many countries as possible!"




"Why do we throw away products when you can reuse it? In the circular economy, waste and creativity are each other's best friends! By giving materials and products a second, third or even fourth life, we reduce the pressure on our natural resources and encourage innovation. Together, we can create a world where reuse is normal and waste belongs to the past!"




Wouldn't it be nice, your name here? Of course! Check it out, because we have an open vacancy.

Anne-Marie Rakhorst

Anne-Marie Rakhorst  -  Ambassador 

Anne-Marie Rakhorst is a renowned entrepreneur, investor and publicist in the field of sustainability. She is founder and owner of Duurzaamheid.nl, founded Search Ingenieursbureau and spearheaded the '17 goals you share' initiative, which introduces the Netherlands to the Sustainable Development Goals.  

Anne-Marie underlines the importance of the E-waste Race and Textile Race: "Children are the leaders of tomorrow. With their open minds and strong sense of justice, they get to the heart of what is really important in the world better than adults. It is precisely by providing them with information in a playful way that we create a great impact. Because children automatically make the rest of the family and their grandparents enthusiastic. At the same time, the Textile Race ensures that all the textiles that are collected are not burned, but returned to the cycle. This combination contributes enormously to a circular textile chain and such a great initiative I gladly support!"