Clothing repair workshop

Repair workshop for children's clothing; learn essential skills to reduce waste and motivate creativity!

In this workshop you will learn how simple and fun it is to repair your own clothing. During our clothing repair workshop, all kids are allowed to bring an item of clothing that they want to repair. This can be their own clothing, but also of family members, friends or neighbors. During the workshop we will discuss two common repairs: closing holes and sewing on buttons. We also teach the children how to sew by hand. After the explanation, the children get to work with the clothes they brought along. If they didn't bring anything with them, we will make a nice patch together that they can later iron on to a piece of clothing.

Sewing materials are included, please bring your own clothing which you want to repair.

  • Duration standard workshop: 1, 2, or 3 hours.
  • Age: 9 years and up.
  • Costs: 1 hour €287,50 / 2 hours €402,50 / 3 hours €517,50. All costs are excl. VAT
  • Travel cost allowance: €0,23 km/hr calculated from The Hague. No travel costs apply in the The Hague area.

Would you like to organize this great workshop at your location? Please contact
Deviations from the above are possible in consultation.