E-waste Race

A fun and educational way to collect e-waste!

The biggest environmental impact comes from our stuff!

The impact of the stuff we buy (consumer goods) is huge! Babette Porcelijn touches on the problem as a result of our consumption behaviour in her book "De Verborgen Impact". Also, research by the World Economic Forum shows that 70% of all CO2 emissions result from the extraction and processing of our raw materials, of our products. 

The lifespan of our electronic devices (such as a mobile phone or laptop) is getting shorter and shorter and thus the e-waste (electronic waste) mountain is getting bigger and bigger! The E-waste Race aims to save the valuable raw materials contained in our devices and give them a second life. 

More than half of all e-waste in the Netherlands is not collected properly. For example, it is thrown in the residual waste where it is incinerated (read more about e-waste in residual waste in the Netherlands here). People also keep e-waste at home in a box or in a drawer and where it is no longer used. This has to change! E-waste contains valuable raw materials that are becoming increasingly scarce in nature.

The E-waste Race combines education with a cool collection campaign and makes collecting e-waste fun, educational and easy. Watch the video to see how and why we do it!



E-waste inzamelen


About the E-waste Race

During a race, 10 elementary school classes in a region or municipality compete against e-waste. A race begins with an interactive guest lesson. The children learn all about the importance of the circular economy. To combat the e-waste problem, buying less, buying consciously, repairing, reusing and collecting properly is hugely important. This way we need to extract fewer raw materials from nature and the earth is less depleted. We can also extend the lifespan of our belongings and valuable raw materials return to the cycle.

Then it's time for action! The children of grade 6, 7 and/or 8 will spend four weeks repairing and collecting e-waste. In doing so, they earn points. They involve their families and their entire neighborhood in collecting e-waste. Neighbors can also register their e-waste at www.ewasterace.nl for free pickup at their homes. Participants campaign and approach local and national media to draw attention to the circular economy. The winning school will win a fun grand prize!


Through the E-waste Races we raise awareness about consumerism, reusing, repairing and recycling among the young generation! Together with these passionate circular heroes we make impact!

  • We save half a million appliances a year from the landfill!
  • We have saved 3 million kg of CO2 emissions since 2014! 
  • The E-waste Race reaches hundreds of thousands of people through the media.

Check out the results achieved here






Our partners 

We work together with municipalities and local waste collectors. They ensure that the e-waste is recycled in a responsible manner, so that the raw materials are returned to the cycle. More than 2,5 million devices have already been collected in nine years! This has already saved more than 3 million kg of CO2!

The E-waste Race shows children and their environment that it is fun and easy to contribute to the circular economy. Research by Eindhoven University of Technology has shown that the races lead to a lasting change in behavior, even after the project. Recent research has also shown that children have the greatest influence on the sustainable behavior of their parents: 'The Greta Effect'. Because children influence their parents and environment, we include everyone in the transition to a circular economy.

Ready to make an impact with us and do you want to organize an E-waste Race? Contact us!

Did you know...?

- ... that we collected 500,000 small waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and ICT waste with the E-waste Races last year? That's as much as the entire municipality of Eindhoven in one year!

- ...that the E-waste Races contribute to achieving the legal E-waste collection target of 65%

- ...that the races (both the E-waste and the Textile Race) contribute to achieving the VANG (From Waste to Resource) targets?

-... the races (both the E-waste and the Textile Race) contribute in general to the central government's objectives for a circular economy in 2050?

More information about our E-waste Race? Check out the E-waste Race website!